Sorry, not
much of a letter today! Things are so crazy, I promise I'll be better next
week! We've been cleaning ALL DAY so we can move's been crazy and we
can't really send email from home....
I love you guys, Sister Hodgson
YEP...that was all we got for a "letter".........She was able to answer a few questions we had asked in an I shared some of that :)
Tell us about
your comp:
So are you liking Helena?:
Yea it's beautiful!! Lots of history. We are going on a tour of the big Cathedral today!! Super pretty and fun downtown. The work is going
to be SO different here than in Great Falls but I'm so excited to learn more.
What does a typical day look like?
The days look pretty much the same except for
Sundays....haha Sundays, we have church and meetings STRAIGHT, like one after the
other from. 7:30am-4:30. Haha it's insane...but it's good! Keep us
How are the
Sister Training meetings going?
INTIMIDATING! Haha we meet with President Bingham (our stake president) and the
high counselors and the zone leaders every other week to discuss the work and
the wards and the missionaries. But as I'm getting to know the people and the
area more it's easier to speak up. It's just weird coming from an area where
every name sounded familiar and I knew lots of people to coming here where I
know nothing! Hahah But it's so awesome cause it makes me learn fast!!
How have you seen
Gods hand calm and/or lead you this week?
goodness. Every day. He truly is there for all of His children. It's honestly
been kinda stressful with new responsibilities and new area, new missionaries,
etc., but Sister Rasmussen has been feeling it a bit too. So the first night we
sat down and prayerfully got down some goals that we both want to work on so we
can help each other. We found some scriptures that we are memorizing as a
companionship and we pray. A lot. It's so funny how prayer just becomes a part
of decision making! Haha Like, often people sit and think about pros and cons and
the decide. As missionaries we have
learned to write down the options and the first thing we do is pray about it
and pray for guidance! Then we think about pros and cons, and logistics and
stuff. Then we listen for promptings and watch for feelings. Then we decide.
Then pray again for confirmation. Literally, we don't do something unless we
feel God's hand leading us. It's such an amazing blessing to know how much God
cares! Even about the little things that we don't think would matter to Him.
I've never felt so nervous and stressed constantly but I've also never received
the peace and comfort that I do as soon as I start trusting the Lord and doing
those hard things with Him. Wow. Missions are HARD. But even after just this
short amount of time, I can't imagine my life without my mission.
Best and worst
part of the week?
Best was
Sunday I think. I've been gaining a
stronger testimony of he importance of the sacrament. Although Sunday is the
craziest day of the week, I can't wait for Sunday's because I know that's when
I can partake of the sacrament and renew the covenants I've made. Gosh it's the
best feeling to take the sacrament!