Seriously one of the bests. Of this
month. Of my mission. Of my life.
And the sad part is there is
literally like no way to express it all
over email
AndI'm so sorry, I'm am warning you
right now this might not be one of
those emails that makes a ton of fact I pretty much know it
won't because my mind doesn't make
much sense right now. But it makes
sense in my heart so that's what
we're going with.
First …we were riding home the other
night and there were just
a few deer in the road! Haha Wooho
week in one email is like asking me
to never go to the beach just can't be done.
last week we had 2 exchanges and it
was awesome! Gosh we have
such amazing sisters here. We were
with the YSA sisters for 2 days and
with the Frenchtown sisters for 2
days. They're all incredible and it
was such a fun week. We had some
solid lessons! We had one with M
and that was amazing. I was with
Sister Timothy and the member we have
been bringing is so awesome . We
were talking about the Book of Mormon and in
the middle of the lesson Morgan just
kinda blurts out "can I say
something?" Then she started
tearing up and talking about the gospel.
She bore the most beautiful
testimony about how this gospel has
blessed her life and helped her not
just realize that she has a reason
to live, but she deserves to be
happy as well. She testified of how
knowing that there is a God has
turned her life around. It was
amazing. Just to see the impact that
one simple but profound truth of
the gospel has. When we know that we
have a Father in Heaven who loves
us and wants us to be happy, it
changes us.
He shows us all the time ….One quick
one, on exchanges, Sister Timothy
and I were walking and met this
sweet woman on the street. We started
talking with her and turns out she's
from Laos. We came back and
started teaching her but she's a
little tough to understand because
she slips between English and Laos
sometimes. Haha the miracle though,
right before ward council and we
were telling Brother McBride, our
ward mission leader, about her and
then randomly this other brother
who happened to be filling in for the
young men's president that day
was like "hey, I served my
mission in San Diego!" Haha at first we
were super confused, then he's like
"so I served there and I spoke
Laos, so if you need a translator I
can come!" Haha it was awesome!
Little answer to prayers haha:)
So now the fun part. Mission tour.
Lots and lots of craziness!! ….
Can I just say it was amazing. So we
had a long few days of sitting. We got ready and had ward council at 7:30 am,
then straight into church, then after church, when home and threw things in
drove the 4 1/2 hours to Billings.
Haha and can I just say we had way
too much fun in the car. Love those
swung by her house but she
wasn't we sadly drove to the church to get the sisters. But
then as I was filling up my water bottle the church door opened and
Michelle walked in!!! Eek I died!!! So so happy. She heard from the
sisters that I was swinging through and came to say hi!! I love her so
much. She's doing amazing. She is the secretary in the relief society
presidency now. And she introduced her friend to the gospel and her
friend just got baptized ! And they went to the temple
to do baptisms.
my heart is so full. Love this woman.
Haha then we spent the
night in Billings and had to be at
mission tour at 8:30. We had an
incredible meeting till 3:00.
President and Sister Wadsworth both
spoke, and Elder and Sister
Andersen, then he did a questions and
the joke throughout the mission now
of why President put Sister
Fletcher and I together. Haha as we
were exiting the chapel for
lunch-very reverently I might add!!-
President came up to us and was
like "now Sisters, we have a
general authority here! Can you two
behaves yourselves?!" Haha the.
He just cracks up…Then MLC !!!
Then we jumped in the car and drove
the 4 1/2 hours back to Helena,
spent the night there, and did it all
over again the next morning 8:30-3.
But it was just amazing. Superb.
So spiritually strengthening. It's
so difficult to put to words
everything we learned because often
times the things that hit the
hardest aren't always in the words
that are said, but in the feelings
to the heart.
But if there's one good nugget that
I can kinda explain, it goes right
along with that. It's the difference
between head knowledge, heart
knowledge and soul knowledge. Elder
Andersen taught us all about this.
How head knowledge is academic. It's
memorization, it's things you
learn through your 5 senses. And how
we have to learn this way first.
But in order to build desire and
motivation, we have to have heart
knowledge. It's things you feel,
thoughts you have, and the Spirit is
110% necessary to have heart
knowledge. Then in order to actually act,
we take that knowledge from our
head, find desire through our heart
and then we go and do. We act. And
then it becomes soul knowledge. It
was amazing.
For family--I don't even know. I
don't even know if any of this is making
sense? Haha but this week has been
amazing. …and one more amazing thing…
after the meeting, President pulled
Fletcher and I aside and said that
Elder and Sister Andersen had a few minutes and
wanted to interview some missionaries.
So we
got to go in another room with them
after all the missionaries had
left, and sit and talk with them. It
was amazing. One of the spiritual
hi lights of a lifetime. The spirit
that comes when a servant of the
Lord speaks and discerns is
powerful. It was incredible to just have
the Spirit testify to me, once again
that this church is true. That we
have a Heavenly Father who loves us.
This is Christ's church and it is directed by
a prophet of God. The organization of this church is
inspired. It is divine and I know
without a doubt that this is true.
There is so much. So so much that I
can't even explain, but I can
honestly say that I have been
changed through these past few days. I
have experienced the head, heart and
soul knowledge. We went and
soaked it in, we learned things. But
the key is we learned through the
spirit. It went from our heads to
our hearts. And now, here we are
going to apply it! To make it part
of us. To make it soul knowledge.
Gosh. I am so happy. So full. So
loving life. This has been one of the
best weeks ever. Ever ever. I love
being a missionary. I love this
work. I love Montana. I love the
people we serve and those we serve
with. I love the Wadsworths. I love
my companion. I am SOOO happy!!!
And most of all I love the Lord and
this gospel
It truly changes people.
I love you all! Sorry this is way
scattered. But my brain is still
recuperating from being blown
spiritually this week. It's the best. I
love you!!!!
Sister Hodgson
And.... at mission tour ,Because we got to go to both, in Billings
and in Helena, I GOT TO SEE SISTER RASMUSSEN!!! She's starting her last transfer so this will probably be the last time I get to see her until we're both home. But I love her guts!!!