Wednesday, July 29, 2015

week 9- Family!!!

Hey family:)
This week was another amazing week here in the Beautiful MBM ( for those who do not speak BECCA,  Montana Billings mission )!

My testimony was really strengthened of one of most simple but important principles this week:
the gospel blesses families.
We have seen so many miracles in finding and we're currently teaching
lots of amazing individuals but FAMILIES are the "central unit in
society" right? So we LOVE to teach the whole family~!!

We've been working with a sweet woman named J. Her husband
is a member of the church that is not attending. They have 2 kids together and she has been
Meeting with missionaries for a long time, she likes it but….
We meet with her every week but her husband never meets with us.  We had been praying for him to join us and
then  we invited them to have family prayer each
night before bed.
The next  time when we invited her husband to
stay for the lesson he was like "yea actually I will!!" He ran and
grabbed his scriptures and came to sit with us. We had been praying
and praying to know what to teach that  and though it is not popular we came to the conclusion that the Word of Wisdom was the one.
So H  ( J’s husband) says~ "so I decided to quit smoking" WHAT?! WOOHO!

They both have been working hard to quit and their windows are open the room is lighter, the house is cleaner,  They are happier , the music has changed in the home and they are healthier and it all started with kneeling in family prayer.     It was incredible to see!.
H shared how the gospel blessed his family growing up
and how the things that they did as a family strengthened them and how
they can help us all.  Its beautiful to see him REMEMBER.  I LOVE working with this family!!

Mommy and Daddy I just have to say how much I really love and
appreciate you both. I have been blessed to grow up with the Gospel of Jesus Christ; Reading scriptures, praying, family time, late night talks
on the bed (when you could have been sleeping but instead, took the
time to help, laugh, teach et. all these
things and so much more have blessed and strengthened our family so
much. With everything going on right now it sometimes feels like the
emphasis and importance of family gets tossed out the window. But
FAMILY IS IMPORTANT! And I love you guys.

Also, on Saturday we did a zone "out of the box" finding activity. We did a free car wash! It was super fun. We waved signs and got to talk
to the people whose cars we washed. We handed out proclamations to the
family and talked about how families are ordained of God and a
blessing. We were able to bear our testimonies of the influence of the gospel on our families.

We had dinner at with the W family…The girls built a playhouse from Scratch they are so darling!


 Sorry it's scattered today! We spent preparation day at bro baileys
with Kirby making rings!  SO COOL!

 Love you!!! Sister Hodgson


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